Duties of Officers and Representatives
The President conducts the business of the Society in conjunction with the other officers. The President will consult with the Executive Committee on all matters of consequence. The President shall serve a term of four years, and cannot be re-elected. Upon completion of the term, the President becomes the Past-President for a term of 4 years. The Past-President is the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee, and is responsible for organizing the activities of this committee. The Past-President is also the co-Chair (with the Host) of the Meeting Program Committee.
The Secretary carries out the correspondence of the Society, distributes other information to the members, and is a member of the Meeting Program Committee. The secretary is responsible for setting up all elections and votes, communicating results of elections and decisions made by the Executive Committee to the ISPR membership, and maintaining the Society’s website. The Secretary is elected for a term of four years, and can be re-elected without restriction.
The Treasurer is responsible for the financial activity of the ISPR. This includes recording dues, paying bills, providing invoices and acknowledgments upon request, balancing the checkbook, and issuing checks to organizations that the ISPR has decided to support. The Treasurer maintains lists of distributions for meetings held within the three designated geographical areas of the Americas, Europe, and Asia/Oceania/Africa. Another list is maintained of funds designated specifically for student and postdoctoral support to attend ISPR supported meetings. The Treasurer is responsible for providing information to Miez Houser, the accounting firm in Kansas City, MO that prepares the federal and state annual tax returns required for a 501(3)(c) non-profit organization. The Treasurer registers every other year with the District of Columbia Government Corporations Division, Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, the Washington DC agency under which the ISPR is incorporated. The Treasurer is also responsible for providing a financial report to the ISPR membership at each International Congress. The Treasurer is elected for a term of four years, and can be re-elected without restriction. Due to the incorporation of the ISPR as a 501(3)(c) tax-exempt nonprofit organization in the United States of America, the Treasurer must be a US citizen or permanent resident.
Area Executive Committee Members
These are the Executive Committee members who are not officers. These are elected for 8-year terms, with half elected each 4 years, and cannot be re-elected. There shall be at least two Executive Committee members elected from each of three geographical areas: the Americas, Europe, and Asia/Oceania/Africa. (Currently there are 4 members from each area.) Area Executive Committee members vote on all Executive Committee business.