10th International Photosynthesis and Hydrogen Energy Research for Sustainability Meeting
June 23 to 28, 2019, in St Petersburg, Russia.
Early bird registration deadline: 10 May 2019
Late registration deadline: 30 May 2019
We cordially invite you to the 10th International Photosynthesis and Hydrogen Energy Research for Sustainability Meeting (2019) in honor of Kimiyuki Satoh (Japan), Tingyun Kuang (China), Cesare Marchetti (Italy) and Anthony Larkum (Australia).
This Meeting will be a great occasion for discussions of previous, present, and future research on photosynthesis and hydrogen energy, from molecular to global, and will provide an exciting scientific program, which will cover the breadth and depth of photosynthesis and hydrogen energy, and to meet researchers of photosynthesis and hydrogen energy from around the world. This meeting will provide a forum for students, postdoctoral fellows and scientists from different countries to deepen their knowledge and understanding, widen professional contact, to create new opportunities and establish new collaborations.
For full details, please see the website