Publications by Prof. David Walker
In a career spanning over 50 years, Prof. Walker has made an outstanding contribution to the understanding of the mechanisms involved in photosynthesis.
Over 200 research papers including several books for both children and adults have been published leading to Prof. Walker being awarded The Communications Award to acknowledge outstanding efforts to communicate photosynthesis to the general public. This award was presented by the International Society for Photosynthesis Research at the tri-annual ISPR meeting in 2004.
In conjunction with the ISPR and Prof. Walker, Hansatech Instruments have created a micro-site specifically dedicated to hosting this important collection of works.
Please click here to view the Prof. David Walker micro-site.
The publications are grouped into a series of categories as follows:
‘Tell me where all past years are’
Walker DA
Photosynthesis Research 51: 1-26, 1997
Chloroplasts in envelopes: CO2 fixation by fully functional intact chloroplasts
Walker DA (2003)
Photosynthesis Research 76: 319–327, 2003
The Z-Scheme
The Z-scheme-down hill all the way
Walker DA (2002a)
Trends in Plant Sci 7: 183–185
‘And whose bright presence’ – an appreciation of Robert Hill and his reaction
Walker DA (2002b)
Photosynthesis Research 73: 51–54
The Z-Scheme by Analogy
An animated analogy of the Z-Scheme by Paul Davis of Hansatech Instruments inspired by an original illustration by Richard Walker.
The Pub Understanding of Science
Starch Pictures
Walker DA
Oxygraphics, Sheffield, UK
The Pub Understanding of Science
Walker DA (2002)
Oxygraphics, Sheffield, UK
Broader Horizons
A Leaf in Time
Walker DA (2002)
Oxygraphics, Sheffield, UK
Una Hoja a Traves del Tiempo
(Spanish translation of “A Leaf in Time”)
Walker DA (2002)
Oxygraphics, Sheffield, UK
A New Leaf in Time
Walker DA (2006)
Oxygraphics, Sheffield, UK
The Use of the Oxygen Electrode and Fluorescence Probes in Simple Measurements of Photosynthesis
Walker DA (1987)
Oxygraphics, Sheffield, UK
Energy, Plants & Man
Walker DA (1992)
Oxygraphics, Brighton, UK
Like Clockwork – An Unfinished Story
Walker DA (2003)
Oxygraphics, Sheffield, UK
C3,C4, Mechanisms, and Cellular and Environmental Regulation of Photosynthesis
Edwards GE and Walker DA (1983)
pp 1–541. Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd, Oxford, UK
Global Climate Change
Walker DA (2002)
Oxygraphics, Sheffield, UK